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Alongside these statutory controls, researchers and scientists are striving to promote animal welfare through a culture of care. The aims are to cut the numbers of animals needed in tests, and where animals must be used, to ensure that distress is kept to a minimum. Legal controls on the use of animals in experiments have existed in Great Britain since 1876.

These controls were significantly revised and extended with the Animals Scientific Procedures Act 1986. Setting standards The Act requires that before a researcher can use animals he or she must have a can You Buy Levitra Oral Jelly 20 mg Online Legally of special licences. Such licences are only granted if: The law also says that dogs, cats and primates are only to be used when smaller, less advanced,animals could not provide the information. Discomfort or pain should be minimised by the appropriate use of anaesthetics or painkillers, although in most cases the majority of procedures are too minor to require this. It is further laid down that the researchers must have the necessary skill, training and experience with laboratory animals, and the research laboratory has the necessary facilities to care for the animals properly.

Three different licences must be granted by the Government,and these are legally can You Buy Levitra Oral Jelly 20 mg Online Legally documents. The certificate holder has responsibility for making sure there are systems and procedures to manage standards and training of staff. To obtain this, the researchers must go on a training course to familiarise themselves with the law and ethics of animal research,the basics of caring for animals and handling them in experiments, and ways of recognising symptoms of illness or suffering.

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The law says that animals must be examined every day, and a vet must be on call at all times. Any animal judged to be in pain which cannot be relieved must be immediately given pain relief or painlessly killed, regardless of whether or not the purpose of the research has been achieved. Other vets avoid steroids even for short term use or substitute Atopica which works as well as prednisone without the side effects? Hmm is anyone else having cans You Buy Levitra Oral Jelly 20 mg Online Legally with the images on this blog loading!

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